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Cosmetic surgery


lip lift surgery in Iran

lip lift surgery in Iran

    Duration: 1 Hours

    Anesthesia: Analgesia

    Recovery: 3-4 Days

    Clinic Stay: Half-Day

    Total Stay: 2 Days

lip lift surgery in Iran

Lip lift surgery is a cosmetic procedure that enhances the appearance of the lips by creating a more defined and youthful pout. It is a popular choice for those who desire to have fuller, more balanced lips without the use of lip fillers. Lip lift surgery can correct a variety of concerns, such as a long upper lip, an overly thin upper lip, or a lack of lip definition. This surgical procedure has gained significant popularity in recent years, with more and more people traveling to Iran to undergo lip lift surgery.

What is a lip lift surgery?

A lip lift surgery is a procedure that reshapes the lips by lifting the upper lip to create a more appealing and youthful appearance. The surgery involves making small incisions either below the nose or at the edge of the nostrils, depending on the desired outcome. Excess skin is then removed, and the lip is lifted, resulting in a shorter distance between the nose and the upper lip. This creates a more defined cupid's bow and exposes more of the pink part of the upper lip, giving the illusion of fuller lips.

All types of lip lift surgery

There are several types of lip lift surgery, each tailored to meet the specific needs and desired outcome of the patient. The most common types include the subnasal lip lift, the corner lip lift, and the gull-wing lip lift. The subnasal lip lift, also known as the bullhorn lip lift, is performed by making an incision below the nose, removing a small strip of skin, and lifting the upper lip. The corner lip lift focuses on lifting the corners of the mouth, improving the appearance of a downward smile. The gull-wing lip lift, on the other hand, is ideal for patients with a long upper lip and involves removing a wedge of skin from the area between the nose and the upper lip.

Hotel *

1 night

40 $

Hotel **

1 night

60 $

Hotel ***

1 night

80 $


Our other services: pick up from the airport, transportation within the city, treatment follow-up, medicines, interpreter male or female companion

250-300 $

( Economy )

Hotel **

1 night

60 $

Hotel ***

1 night

80 $


1 night

70 $


Our other services: pick up from the airport, transportation within the city, treatment follow-up, medicines, interpreter male or female companion

300-350 $

Hotel ****

1 night

100 $

Hotel *****

1 night

120 $

VIP Hotel

1 night

140 $


Our other services: pick up from the airport, transportation within the city, treatment follow-up, medicines, interpreter male or female companion

400-450 $

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Benefits of lip lift surgery

Lip lift surgery offers numerous benefits to those seeking to enhance the appearance of their lips. Firstly, it provides natural-looking results that can last for many years, unlike lip fillers, which require regular maintenance. Additionally, lip lift surgery can improve facial symmetry by creating balance between the upper and lower lips. This procedure also provides a more defined cupid's bow, which is considered a symbol of beauty. Moreover, lip lift surgery can boost self-confidence and improve overall facial harmony. By undergoing this procedure, individuals can achieve the perfect pout they have always desired.

Lip lift surgery in Iran - the new trend in travel

In recent years, Iran has emerged as a popular destination for medical tourism, particularly for lip lift surgery. The country boasts highly skilled and experienced surgeons who specialize in cosmetic procedures, including lip lift surgery. Iran's reputation for providing excellent medical care, state-of-the-art facilities, and affordable prices has attracted people from all over the world. Furthermore, Iran offers a unique opportunity for travelers to combine their medical journey with exploring the rich cultural heritage and natural beauty of the country. This combination of top-quality medical care and an enriching travel experience has made lip lift surgery in Iran the new trend in travel.

Why choose Iran for lip lift surgery?

There are several compelling reasons to choose Iran for lip lift surgery. Firstly, Iran is renowned for its world-class medical facilities and highly trained surgeons who adhere to international standards of excellence. The country boasts a comprehensive healthcare system that ensures the highest level of safety and patient care. Additionally, lip lift surgery in Iran is significantly more affordable compared to other countries, making it an attractive option for those seeking cost-effective cosmetic procedures. Moreover, Iran offers a warm and welcoming environment, with friendly locals and a rich cultural heritage that adds to the overall experience.

The cost of lip lift surgery in Iran

One of the main advantages of undergoing lip lift surgery in Iran is the affordability of the procedure. The cost of lip lift surgery in Iran is typically much lower compared to other countries, including the United States and European nations. The exact cost may vary depending on factors such as the type of lip lift surgery, the complexity of the procedure, and the surgeon's experience. However, on average, lip lift surgery in Iran can cost around $250 to $400, which is significantly less expensive than in many other countries. This cost includes the surgical fees, anesthesia, and post-operative care.

Finding the right surgeon for lip lift surgery in Iran by tourismangels24 medical tourism agency

Choosing the right surgeon is crucial for a successful lip lift surgery in Iran. To ensure the best possible outcome, it is recommended to seek the assistance of a reputable medical tourism agency like Tourismangels24. These agencies have extensive experience in connecting patients with highly qualified and experienced surgeons in Iran. They can provide valuable guidance and support throughout the entire process, from selecting the right surgeon to arranging travel and accommodation. By working with a trusted medical tourism agency, patients can have peace of mind knowing that they are in capable hands and will receive the highest standard of care.

Preparing for lip lift surgery in Iran

Before undergoing lip lift surgery in Iran, it is important to properly prepare for the procedure. This includes having a thorough consultation with the surgeon to discuss expectations, medical history, and any concerns. The surgeon will provide specific pre-operative instructions, such as avoiding certain medications, quitting smoking, and arranging for a caregiver to assist during the recovery period. It is essential to follow these instructions closely to ensure optimal results and minimize the risk of complications. Additionally, patients should plan for their stay in Iran, making arrangements for travel, accommodation, and any necessary visas or permits.

The lip lift surgery procedure in Iran

The lip lift surgery procedure in Iran is performed under local anesthesia to ensure a painless experience for the patient. The surgeon will begin by making small incisions either below the nose or at the edge of the nostrils, depending on the chosen technique. Excess skin is then carefully removed, and the lip is lifted to the desired position. The incisions are closed with sutures, and any necessary dressings or bandages are applied. The entire procedure typically takes around one to two hours, depending on the complexity of the surgery. After the procedure, patients are usually able to return to their accommodation the same day.

Recovery and aftercare for lip lift surgery in Iran

The recovery period following lip lift surgery in Iran is relatively short, with most patients experiencing minimal discomfort and swelling. However, it is important to follow the surgeon's post-operative instructions to ensure proper healing and optimal results. This may include taking prescribed medications, applying ice packs to reduce swelling, and avoiding strenuous activities for a specified period. Patients should also maintain good oral hygiene and refrain from smoking, as these can affect the healing process. Regular follow-up appointments with the surgeon will be scheduled to monitor progress and address any concerns or questions that may arise.

Risks and complications of lip lift surgery

As with any surgical procedure, there are potential risks and complications associated with lip lift surgery. These may include infection, bleeding, scarring, asymmetry, or changes in sensation. However, by choosing a skilled and experienced surgeon and following all pre-operative and post-operative instructions, the risk of complications can be minimized. It is important to have realistic expectations and thoroughly discuss any concerns with the surgeon prior to the procedure. By being well-informed and prepared, patients can make an educated decision and minimize the potential risks associated with lip lift surgery.

FAQ about lip lift surgery in Iran

  1. Is lip lift surgery in Iran safe? Yes, lip lift surgery in Iran is considered safe when performed by a skilled and experienced surgeon in a reputable medical facility.

  2. How long does the recovery period for lip lift surgery in Iran last? The recovery period for lip lift surgery in Iran typically lasts around one to two weeks, although individual experiences may vary.

  3. Will there be visible scarring after lip lift surgery in Iran? The incisions made during lip lift surgery in Iran are carefully placed to minimize visible scarring. Over time, any scarring will fade and become less noticeable.

Conclusion: Achieving the perfect pout in Iran

Lip lift surgery in Iran has become the new trend in travel, offering individuals the opportunity to enhance their lips and achieve the perfect pout. With highly skilled surgeons, state-of-the-art facilities, and affordable prices, Iran has become a sought-after destination for those seeking lip lift surgery. By choosing Iran for lip lift surgery, individuals can not only improve their appearance but also enjoy the rich cultural heritage and natural beauty of the country. With the assistance of reputable medical tourism agencies like Tourismangels24, finding the right surgeon and preparing for the procedure has never been easier. Embark on a journey to Iran and experience the perfect pout you've always dreamed of.

CTA: For more information about lip lift surgery in Iran and to connect with trusted medical tourism agency Tourismangels24, visit their website at tourismangels24.com.

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Iran-Tehran-Jannat Abad South-Lale 4-NO 33, Unit 8

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