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A complete investigation of the nostril asymmetry repair in Iran

Reasons for asymmetry of nostrils

Repairing the problem of nose asymmetry with surgery in Iran


Uneven or asymmetrical nostrils are a much more common issue than most people think, which can embarrass people and, most importantly, may be accompanied by a number of functional concerns, including discomfort or complication of normal breathing patterns. Post-operative asymmetry of the nostrils can have other reasons besides problems with nose job, which we will discuss below:

Preventing asymmetry of nostrils after rhinoplasty

Septum deviation: The asymmetry of the nostrils is often the result of a deviation of the nasal septum or a difference in the shape of the nasal cartilage, which is characterized by irregular nasal septum. The inner crura (closest to the midline) and the lateral crura are divided. The high or low postoperative nostrils can also be caused by the rotation of the lateral cartilage of the alar to one side or by postoperative infection or trauma.

Inheritance genetics: Genetics also play a large role in the shape and size of the nose. Thus, unwanted aesthetic features in the nose (such as rough nostrils, bumps, etc.) are often seen in families.

Injury: Deviation of the nasal septum (and as a result of asymmetric nostrils) is sometimes the result of severe injuries, such as injuries that occur during exercise or an accident.

Asymmetry of the nostrils in Iran after surgery is also possible as a result of previous surgeries. When nose job is performed by a qualified plastic surgeon, serious complications rarely occur. However, less experienced surgeons are also more likely to produce satisfactory results, but in rare cases, uneven nostrils may be the result of improper surgery by an inexperienced surgeon.


Asymmetry of the nostrils after surgery

In general, the symmetry of the nostrils is one of the effective factors in the attractiveness of a person's face. Ideally, our face is supposed to look balanced on both sides. Unfortunately, the asymmetry of your nostrils after surgery is one of the problems that can occur if you choose an inexperienced doctor. However, if your nostrils look uneven almost immediately after surgery, there is no need to worry. Proper symmetry of the nostrils is after the end of the initial recovery period, which in most cases should return to normal because in the first two weeks many factors can cause asymmetric or high or low nostrils after surgery, including swelling Which makes the nostrils look different.


Postoperative nasٍe job repair

If you have had nose job once and you have a problem with asymmetric nostrils after surgery, it is better to know that sometimes the final result of nose job takes a year to be seen accurately. If you still have uneven nostrils after this time, you should be careful in choosing your doctor this time, because the second operation is very sensitive to improve the asymmetric nostrils.


Measures to prevent asymmetry of nostrils

There are ways to prevent asymmetric nostrils after surgery, which we will discuss below:

To minimize swelling asymmetry, be sure to follow your doctor's instructions after surgery. For example, the use of cold compresses can be somewhat effective in reducing inflation.

Make sure you do not put pressure on the nose or damage that area, for example, it is recommended that you do not wear glasses for a while after nose job, as the pressure from the glasses on the nose can change the end result.

Avoid manipulating the nose and excessive contact with the nose to prevent asymmetric nasal congestion.


Postoperative nostril asymmetry

One of the most common postoperative complications is rhinitis, which is one of the reasons for asymmetric nostrils in the first days and weeks after nose surgery. This swelling will be even greater, especially if surgical fractures are needed to complete the operation. However, there are many tips and tricks that you can use to minimize postoperative swelling in your nose and face. Factors that affect the amount of swelling after nose job are:


Skin type: Thick, oily or bruised skin swells faster than other types of skin.

Secondary nasal surgery: Due to the high sensitivity of nasal reoperation, the period of swelling recovery in these conditions takes twice as long.

Excessive shrinkage of the nose: Because no skin is removed during the initial nose surgery, if the nose needs to be rebuilt, the amount of nasal swelling will be higher due to the possible manipulation of the skin.

The fleshy or bony nose also affects the amount of swelling after nose job. Naturally, fleshy noses have a longer recovery period than bony noses.


To improve the swelling, you can do the following for two weeks:

1)Keep your head up so that the liquid comes out of your face properly

Use a cool compress on your forehead and cheeks, but never apply ice or a cold compress directly to your nose or skin. Use a thin cloth to create a barrier between the ice and your skin. Applying ice or a cold compress directly to the nose can change the blood flow in that area and put pressure on the new shape of the nose. Moisture can also wet the plaster and cause it to fall off prematurely

2)Limit activities that exacerbate swelling

 These activities include alcohol consumption, excess salt consumption, exposure to excessive heat, sunburn, and re-exposure to the same area after surgery.


3) Mild bleeding

Although light bleeding is common up to a week after surgery, the risk of bleeding increases during travel due to a sudden car shake or a difference in air pressure in flight after nose job. Presence at altitudes constantly increases the need to breathe, the person who tries to provide the required air with successive breaths is faced with pressure in the nasal mucosa and the onset of bleeding. For long trips after nose job, it is necessary to consult a surgeon.


4) Rupture of sutures

If flight is allowed after nose job, shortly after surgery, there may be rupture of internal sutures and unusual bleeding due to the novelty of the sutures and the fact that they are prone to injury.


5) Minor infection

Contamination and the presence of germs and microbial bacteria in the air increase the risk of infection in the newly operated person, as the nasal tissue is sensitive after surgery and needs time to repair and return to normal. During this time, exposure to air pollution can increase a person's risk of allergies and infections. Obviously, being in crowded places such as airports, railways and terminals, increases the chances of conflict and puts a person at high risk, it is worth mentioning that up to three weeks after nose job, there is a possibility of infection. It is absolutely necessary to consult a doctor in such cases, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics to control the possibility of infection during the flight after nose job.


6) Having nausea

The most common complications of flying after nose job and traveling by bus and train are nausea and reflux. It will not be far from expectation. Anti-nausea pills under the supervision of a doctor may work.


Necessary care during and after travel

If for any reason you have to travel or fly after nose job, be sure to pay attention to the following:

- Prevent lifting heavy objects

- Protection of the head against severe and harmful shocks

- Minimal exposure to sunlight, exposure to the sun for a long time can increase the sensitivity of nasal tissues, while the opacity of the suture site is another consequence of excessive exposure to the sun.

- Care of the nose and internal tissues against impact and possible collisions, especially in crowded places



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