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Mastering the Art of Facial Harmony: Exploring the Relationship Between Geometric Angles and Nose Shape

face angulation and nose job

The angles of the face and the shape of the nose that make you beautiful


Aesthetics is a science and skill. Millions of cosmetic procedures are performed every year. If we look at our face, each individual part may have beauty and attractiveness, but if we look at them according to the other parts of the face, we understand the geometric proportions that each part of the face must have the size and shape to fit the other parts that make the face look more beautiful. Geometric Angles and Nose Shape is another issue that we understand consciously and unconsciously and has a direct impact on our sense of beauty.

Geometric Angles and Nose Shape harmony for facial beauty

Facial beauty or facial attractiveness is a function of the harmonious balance between all parts of the face, such as the forehead, eyes, nose, and lips. Distortions in the proportions that occur between parts constitute deformed faces. These deformations can be changed with dentofacial orthopedics, orthognathic surgery, and aesthetic hard or soft tissue surgery, alone or in various combinations.

Among all the facial parts, the nose is the most notable of the facial structures. It is an organ that contributes to the person’s unique facial characteristics, along with the lips and chin, due to its location in the center of face. The increase in minor rhinoplasty applications in recent years supports the prominence of the nose in aesthetic perception. Cankaya et al. examined the effect of different nose types on facial aesthetics, and stated that having a nose with a convex profile in society creates more aesthetic problems than having a retrognathic profile. Thus, these conditions lead orthodontists and plastic surgeons, who have an increase in facial aesthetics as one of their main treatment goals, to research further the relationships between the parts of the face, with increasing interest.

The effect of the nose, which is one of the main elements of facial aesthetics, on the face after orthodontic treatment can change positively or negatively, especially after orthognathic surgery. The nasal projection is affected by the forward and backward movements of the lower and upper jaws and teeth, causing it to be one of the structures that undergoes the most changes. Thus, an orthodontist should have a comprehensive knowledge and understanding of the soft tissue changes that may occur during treatment, and the growth and age-related changes in nasal morphology.

The skeletal nasal aperture, a pear-shaped opening, is a structure formed by the nasal bones at the top, the frontal process of the maxilla on both side walls, and the palatal processes at the base. The nasal bone and piriformis aperture are the two main skeletal factors that contribute to the formation of the nose itself, its original shape, and facial structures. The morphological features of the nasal bone and piriformis aperture are widely used for surgical and aesthetic purposes in nasal reconstruction and rhinoplasty, for gender determination in anthropology, and for reconstructing the face of dead individuals in forensic cases.

The nasal bone growth is completed by the age of 10. After that time, further growth of the nasal bone depends only on nasal cartilage and soft tissues. On the other hand, the maxillary bone growth, substantially, is completed by the age of 16.
The discovery of X-rays by Roentgen in 1895 revolutionized dentistry, and allowed the radiographic image of the head to be evaluated in two dimensions. Thus, it enabled the proper examination of the growth and development of the head and face.

Nose surgery is performed with two purposes

Rhinoplasty is performed with the aim of improving breathing and resolving the problem of nasal function. Cosmetic surgery is performed to correct the appearance of the nose for cosmetic purposes. Nose surgery is performed by modifying the structure of the bone (septoplasty) or repairing cartilage (rhinoplasty).


Important factors in the diagnosis of rhinoplasty

Shape / Size / Angle


Nose shape: The shape of the nose means that the nose may have a wide, narrow or very narrow tip, or the bridge of the nose is prominent or wide and has an arch or hump.The symmetry of the shape of the nose is very important in its beauty, deviation of the bridge of the nose or asymmetric holes or the crooked shape of the nose reduces the beauty of the nose.


To check the shape of the Nose, the following measures are performed on the face


1- A line is drawn from the middle of the eyebrows to the tip of the nose. This line should divide the nose into equal and similar and symmetrical parts. This line is used to analyze the deviation and crookedness of the nose in the aesthetic shape of the nose.

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2- Two lines are used to check the width of the bone part (nasal bridge) which is drawn smoothly from the edge of these bones. The distance between these lines should be about 60 to 70 percent of the nasal width distance (the distance between the two wings at the bottom of the nose)

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3- To check the distance between the wings and its fit with the eyes and eyebrows, two lines are used on the side of the width of the nasal edge at the bottom.  The distance between the tear duct next to the eyes and eyebrows and the edge of the nose should be the same as each other.

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4- In front-look state two lines that are drawn from the space between the two eyebrows to the tip of the nose should have a curvature and no fractures.

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5- The tip of the nose is a lozenge and if one angle is the end of the Septum bone and the other angle is the middle wing of the nose that connects to the top of the lip and the other two angles are the sides of the tip of the nose.

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Nose angles in different modes


1- The angle of the nose line from the lip to the tip of the nose, which has different conditions of the nose head that are uphill and etc.

 It should be 90 to 95 degrees in men and 100 to 110 degrees in women.

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2- The angle the forehead has with the nose should be aesthetically 115 to 135 degrees.

Nose size: The size of the nose in three different parts of the nose includes the following

If you stand in a front-look position, the width of the nose means the distance between the two nasal wings in the lower part, which is one of the most important factors in the beauty of people.


1- Stand in a profile state, the length of the nose from the tip of the nasal bone to the tip of the cartilage of the nose should be considered the distance of the base. The distance between the tip of the nose and the face should be 67% of the length.

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2- The size of the base distance of the nose in front-look state is equal to the distance of the tip of the nose from the edge of the nose.

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3- The ratio of facial distances is generally at best and most attractive as follows.

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4- The normal size of the nostrils is determined by the ratio below at best.


According to the above, different forms of nose surgery are selected and performed. For more information about the types of nose models tailored to your face and free beauty consultation of rhinoplasty services in Iran, message us in the free consultation and online chat section.



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