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Dental Implants in Iran/cost/free online consultation

Dental Implants in Iran

The cheapest price for dental implants in Iran / the best dental surgeon specialist for dental implants in Iran / the best dental clinic and hospital for dental implants in Iran


People's teeth are no longer able to regrow after loss of deciduous teeth and permanent teeth growth. Some problems cause the loss of these teeth. aging, tooth extraction due to failure and accident and damage to teeth, etc. are such problems. The beauty of laughter and teeth while speaking is one of the main things of beauty in people, and the lack of teeth causes problems in chewing food, but what is the solution?

In previous years, removable dentures made of prosthesis were used. Keeping dentures in the mouth is very hard and it is difficult to get used to it, there are numerous wounds in the mouth after inserting dentures and so on, this is a new method that can permanently fill the place of the teeth that we have lost with it. Today dental implants and their ease of use due to the reduction of gum pain and lack of common problems are widely used. Dentures are very pervasive. Dental implant shelf life is permanent

A dental implant is one of the treatments to replace missing teeth. Their use in the treatment of complete and partial edentulism has become an integral treatment modality in dentistry. Dental implants have a number of advantages over conventional fixed partial denture.

A high success rate (above 97% for 10 years)
A decreased risk of caries and endodontic problems of adjacent teeth
Improved maintenance of bone in edentulous site
Decreased sensitivity of adjacent teeth
A dental implant is a structure made of alloplastic materials implanted into the oral tissues beneath the mucosa and/or periosteum and/or within or through the bone to provide retention and support for a fixed or removable dental prosthesis.(


What are dental implants?

A tooth implant is a metal screw that is placed in the jawbone, the structure of the crown of the tooth is placed on the screw.

A fixture is the part of the dental implant on which the tooth is placed and in fact the root of the tooth is the implant.

Implant base: Titanium screw (a type of metal that is compatible with the structure of the body and jawbone) the base of the tooth implant acts like the root of the tooth to hold the tooth in the gums and jawbone.

Tooth crown: The crown of the tooth is a part of the implant that resembles a tooth and is made of ceramic.

abutment: Connects the crown of the tooth to the base of the implant.


Who can get dental implants?

Those who have lost one or more teeth are usually suitable for implants. The requirements for implantation include:

General health of the body

No smoking or alcohol drinks (cigarettes and alcohol reduce the success of implants).

No diabetes or autoimmune diseases or dental infection. (All of the above can increase the risk of infection in people)

Healthy gums (people with gum disease are faced with dental implant failure).


Bone health and stability for implant maintenance:

 Bone density and quality have a great impact on the success of the implant, aging and osteoporosis can have a negative impact on the dental implant, these people should use calcium and vitamin-D before implantation to increase bone density and teeth.


Observing general health:

Implant maintenance requires personal hygiene, including brushing and using dental floss.


Who can't do dental implants:

Pregnant Women

Smokers and alcoholics (increases the risk of implant failure)

People under 20 years of age (due to jawbone growth)

Cancer or chemotherapy or radiotherapy (these people are at risk of infection or implant failure)

Diseases such as hemophilia and thalassemia and hemorrhagic disorders

Bruxism or teeth grinding (in these people they are less likely to succeed)

Gum disease

Uncontrolled diabetes (increases the risk of infection after implantation and consequently dental implant failure).


How many years after tooth extraction can dental implants be performed?

This question is posed to many people, but we have to say that there are no restrictions on this issue and years after tooth extraction can also be done if you have the health and conditions mentioned above.


Preoperative implant care:

Inform your dentist of your sickness history and health information in person or online (telemedicine)

Performing a radiology scan for implants (CBCT) and presenting it to the doctor

Do not take nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory analgesics such as gelofen and aspirin etc. Because these drugs can increase the risk of bleeding during implant surgery (do not use them for 3-5 days.)

If you have a specific condition, such as diabetes or hypertension, talk to your previous doctor about your implant surgery.

Adequate rest before surgery

Observing oral hygiene with mouthwash and toothbrush

After reviewing the radiographic scan (CBCT), the dentist determines the location of the implant and the base height of the tooth, etc. and informs you of the time of the implant surgery.


Dental implant procedures in Iran:

1. Examination by the doctor and determining the location of the implant

2. Pulling out damaged teeth

3. Preparation of jawbone

4. Dental base implantation

5. Bone repair

6. Choosing paints and moldings in laboratory for dental implantation

7. Putting the implant in the right place

non-submerged: If there is no overlap after tooth extraction, a long implant will be inserted into the jawbone and stitched. After a few months of baseline implantation and the location of the implant has been fully recovered, they put the abatement and temporary veneer on the implant without surgery so that the dental implant is fully attached to the jawbone requires 6 or 3 months.


Immediate or one-day dental implant in Iran

Instant dental implant in Iran is a popular method that also has the desired result and for health tourists is a very suitable method for dental implants in this method titanium foundations are placed on the jawbone and immediately the crown of the tooth is placed on it.


Two-stage dental implant in Iran:

During this method of dental implantation, in the first stage, the implant is installed in the jawbone and the implant is sealed with stitches after 3 to 6 months part of the stitched site opens. And the abatement connects to it.


Sinking dental implant procedure in Iran:

In sinking dental implantation in Iran, the implant is placed inside the jawbone. This method replaces dentures so that one or more teeth can be mounted on each implant.


Subperiosteal dental implant procedure in Iran:

In subperiostead dental implantation in Iran, the dental implant is placed in the jawbone and part of the head of the implant is placed outside and is actually a single stage procedure and dentures are placed on this implant. (This method is used to store dentures in people who do not have proper bone height.


Postoperative care for dental implants:

1. Avoid toothbrushing and flossing for 3 days.

2. Avoid smoking and alcoholic drinks because it increases the risk of infection and bleeding.

3. For at least one day, hot and stiff food should not be used. lukewarm and smooth food are the best nutrition after dental implants.

4. Heavy physical activity

5. Do not use straw for at least 48 hours to drink fluids because it increases the likelihood of bleeding from the place of tooth implantation

6. Notify your doctor if there is any pain

7. Tell your dentist if you have symptoms of infection including fever, fatigue, lethargy and discharge from the implant and bad smell of mouth.


Advantages of dental implants:

1.Facial beauty and beautiful laughter

 2.Protection and support of adjacent teeth

3.Proper sound resonance and no problems in speech

4. Prevent gum loss

5.Easy care and maintenance


Dental Implant Costs in Iran:

Dental costs are high in many countries, and because dental services are cosmetic services, insurers do not support it so the costs are highly expensive. However, the cost of dental implant in Iran is very suitable, for example:

Cost of dental implants new york: 1500 - 6000

Cost of dental implants london: 2000 - 4000

The cost of dental implants in Iran is about one-fifth to one-sixth of the costs of the United States and the United Kingdom.

Why should we travel to Iran for dental implant services?

1- Cheap dental implant costs in Iran
2- As soon as you arrive in Iran, the dental implant will be done for you without having to wait for the trip.
3- Skilled dentists in Iran for dental treatment and cosmetic dentistry services with reasonable wages compared to Europe and America
4- Availability of good raw materials for dental implants from the best European, American and Korean companies

TourismAngels24 provides health tourism services by providing the best and most suitable dental implant procedures in order to create a beautiful smile for you.






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