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Nasal deviation surgery or Septoplasty surgery in Iran

 Rhinoplasty & deviation of the nasal septum in Iran

Treatment of nasal septum deviation with septoplasty surgery


If your nose is clogged on one side or two, or in some parts it gets tighter than normal, or if one side is tighter than the other and the nasal septum has a visible deviation that is determined from the outside due to the tilting of the nose and deviation to one side.

Nasal deviation can cause infectious nasal problems and sinus infection, as well as vulnerable nasal tissue and increase the likelihood of bleeding.

If this internal deviation causes respiratory problems, septoplasty is required.

Nasal septum

A nasal septum is a 7×4 cm wall that divides the nose into two equal parts: left and right. The nasal septum should be smooth to prevent breathing problems.

If you have deviated septum and want septoplasty surgery in Iran, this can be done easily. Septoplasty and rhinoplasty are performed simultaneously to eliminate nasal deviation.


What is septoplasty and why is it done?

Nasal congestion is one of the most common symptoms encountered by otolaryngologists in general practice. Although there are many different causes, a deviated nasal septum is the most common cause of unilateral nasal obstruction1; This can cause difficulty breathing, frequent nosebleeds, and repeated sinus infections, as well as headaches, snoring, difficulty sleeping, and worsening sleep apnea. Many different septoplasty techniques have been used to treat deviated septum in various locations. Septoplasty can be performed endoscopically or with open rhinoplasty.
Septoplasty is one of the most commonly performed procedures by rhinologists.

Types of septoplasty surgery methods:

Septoplasty is performed in two ways, open and endoscopic. The type of surgery is related to the degree of deviation and the structure of the nose, which the nose surgeon selects one of the methods according to the conditions.

Septoplasty is an individualized procedure, and preoperative assessment of the site of deviation is critical to achieve the desired result. Septoplasty surgery through an endoscope can provide better visualization of the site of deviation and prevent mucosal tears, while a deviated septum of the tail can be performed through Hemitransfection was performed under light. The combination of using a headlight and an endoscope can show the surgeon most of the deviation points of the nasal septum, and therefore, in most cases, septoplasty can be performed through endonasal. Open septoplasty may be indicated in cases with deviated or crooked nose, and in these cases, septoplasty can be performed simultaneously with rhinoplasty.


Preparation before deviated septum surgery or septoplasty in Iran:

1- If you are using blood thinners such as warfarin and aspirin, contact your surgeon

2- If you smoke two weeks before surgery, smoking should be stopped

3- Have a companion with you before surgery to accompany you on your way home

4- Coordinate with your workplace for leave before going to the hospital (you also need 7 to 10 days of rest at home)

5- You will not have pain during the surgery, but if you have any concerns, contact your anesthetic doctor.

6- Complete anesthesia is used for septoplasty and rhinoplasty surgery.


Process of septoplasty surgery

1- Complete Anesthesia

2- Making an incision in the nose to remove the mucosal lining from the nasal septum

3- Cutting the nose at the deflection site to remove the mucosal lining

4- Removal of the part of the nose that has deviation

5- Returning the mucosal lining to the middle line of the nose

6- Inserting tampons or splits

Rhinoplasty surgery can be performed after septoplasty surgery.


Post-operative care of septoplasty surgery

1- Limiting the activities of the body not doing heavy activities

2- When sleeping, the head is above the trunk to prevent nasal bleeding

3- Not taking aspirin and ibuprofen to prevent bleeding and blood dilution

4- Not doing heavy exercises that you breathe or blood pressure rises

5- Not emptying the nose two to three days after rhinoplasty

6- Button clothes that are worn comfortably and come out

7- Consuming enough fluids

8- Use of pineapple and citrus juice (containing vitamin C which accelerates nasal healing)

9- The healing process takes about 7 to 10 days

10- If septoplasty is done alone, bruising and swelling is less if done with rhinoplasty, bruising and swelling will increase.

11. Avoid collisional sports


Complications of deviated septum surgery:


Nasal deformity (in special cases)

Bruising of the nose


Of course, it should be noted that in rhinoplasty, the middle septum is removed because if it is flattened, the nose will return to its original state (such as a tree that grows from a crooked root)

But the outer building of the nose does not change because the inner septom is removed and other bone parts of the nose are in place.

Patients who perform rhinoplasty and nasal deviation (septoplasty) together need more care.


The cost of deviated septum surgery in Iran:

The Group of Tourism Angels has considered a 6-month support period to prevent medical complications after cosmetic surgery. Also, using daily biography sheets in Tehran Tourism application and digital medical records, it seeks to provide the best method of self-care for patients after returning to their home country.

The cost of septoplasty surgery in Iran is on average between 1500-2500 dollars. For more information, you can contact us through the communication links to give you more information about septoplasty surgery in Iran.





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