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Psychology & Psychiatry

Psychiatry, psychoanalysis and psychology in Iran

Psychiatry, psychoanalysis and psychology in Iran


Psychiatry is a branch of medicine that focuses on the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of mental, emotional and behavioral disorders. Psychiatrists specialize in assessing the psychological and physical aspects and mental problems.

Some people sometimes confuse a psychiatrist with a psychologist, psychologist, or counselor. In terms of education and educational process, a psychiatrist must graduate from a medical school before becoming a psychiatrist and be able to prescribe medication and treatment methods and admit patients to psychotherapy centers.

Duties and responsibilities of a psychiatrist

• Evaluate the mental and physical condition of patients to determine the nature and extent of behavioral, emotional and mental disorders

• Evaluate the medical and psychiatric history and records of patients in order to better diagnose the disease and prescribe the best treatment

• Perform various tests to diagnose the disease and find the best treatment

• Prescribing medication and holding necessary treatment sessions until the patient recovers

• Collaborate with other specialists, including doctors, psychologists, etc. to comprehensively treat the patient until he achieves complete recovery

Tourism angels has a psychotherapy team consisting of a psychiatrist who acts as the team leader and a clinical psychologist and experts in the field of meditation, etc., with an approach ofusing non-medicine methods. We have launched an aggressive psychiatric clinic.

Upon arrival, all patients have a free medical record and user profile, which is specific to the individual and has a high security system to protect information and privacy of individuals. We are group therapy, drug therapy and hospitalization in psychiatric hospitals in good weather areas, etc.

Use of diagnostic techniques such as PET scan, etc. in diagnosing psychiatric problems with physiological and brain bases that are caused by dysfunction and brain structure, and adjunctive therapy in treatment such as neurotherapy and neurofeedback, and physiofeedback and tourist programs. Based on the treatment of psychiatric disorders, we offer our medical services to the world for a healthy life.

Our services can be provided online and in person. Our online services can be provided online (audio-video-text) and offline in all parts of the world through user profiles and electronic files using telemedicine.

Our face-to-face services are organized in the form of special packages with appropriate tourism for the treatment of mental disorders along with face-to-face treatment and counseling measures.

You can send your request to receive online psychiatric services.


Steps of your referral for psychiatric procedures:

1. Fill in the initial application form and sign the pre-contract

2. Contact a psychiatrist and medical expert through telemedicine

3- Creating a digital file and sending medical documents, including tests and ...

4- Preparing tickets and visas and necessary measures to go to Iran

5- Welcoming and accommodating the patient in the hospital and concluding a face-to-face contract

6- Performing diagnostic and therapeutic measures in the medical center

7- Visiting tourist and recreational facilities upon request

8- Training to follow up on medical affairs through digital profiles and paper brochures for post-treatment care

9- Preparing a ticket and taking the necessary measures to return to the country of origin




Iran-Tehran-Jannat Abad South-Lale 4-NO 33, Unit 8

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