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Liposuction in Iran is a fitness and tourism experience at a reasonable cost

The best specialist for slimming and liposuction in Iran

The best specialist for slimming and liposuction in Iran / the best liposuction surgeon in Iran / cost of liposuction surgery / liposuction surgery methods

Liposuction is a cosmetic and therapeutic surgery that removes excess fat stored in the body and creates a beautiful body and fitness. If fat masses are deposited and increase body mass and cause pathological obesity and The body becomes deformed. In these cases, a plastic and surgical surgeon visits the patient and diagnoses the type and method of slimming surgery.

Diagnosis of obesity is made by calculating body mass. In this index, body weight is calculated in kilograms divided by the patient's height squared and this number should be between 20-25 if:

This number should be between 25-30. An overweight person

This number should be between 30-35 with first-degree or high-risk obesity

This number should be between 35-40 for second-degree or very high-risk obesity

This number is more than 40. It has third degree obesity or obesity

If there is a genetic background and incurable obesity, this person has the conditions to perform surgery because the continuation of these conditions causes comorbidities caused by immobility and high fat levels that can lead to cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure and digestive and  kidney problems.

Maintaining the weight and beauty of the limbs after this type of surgery requires primary care before and after surgery in the hospital and also after discharge. Follow-up treatment is done continuously through the medical angels of Capital in digital medical profiles and files. This is done in the form of an interdisciplinary collaboration and a team consisting of a cosmetic and plastic surgeon and a nutritionist.

Free follow-up services, beauty and diet plan and lifestyle adjustment, which is the special point of our difference with other centers to maintain a normal average weight and maintain your health and beauty. Check-ups and psychological counseling to create a positive mindset for Making changes is also meant for you because losing weight and believing that you can be more beautiful starts with your mind.


liposuction surgery in iran:

The plastic surgeon removes the fat that has accumulated under the skin during liposuction surgery to achieve a more shapely body. The specialist makes very small incisions for liposuction on the skin and then injects a solution containing anesthetic into the fat mass. The specialist uses a delicate surgical instrument to loosen the fat and then removes the separated fat from the body by suction. Liposuction is ideal for people who want to lose fat that is resistant to diet and exercise. Liposuction is not a slimming treatment and is more of a body sculpting operation. Of course, many patients who undergo liposuction also lose weight, because they consciously want to maintain the result through beneficial lifestyle changes, including proper diet and exercise.


Who is suitable for liposuction surgery?

People who want to have a fit body, do their best to maintain a healthy result by taking a healthy life. People who have not been able to eliminate resistant fat masses with exercise and proper diet are the ideal applicants for liposuction surgery.


To ensure that the liposuction applicant has the necessary conditions to perform the operation, a team of specialists must perform a thorough evaluation. The liposuction specialist will explain in full the cost of treatment, the pre-treatment preparation method and the post-treatment care to the applicant. It is necessary for the specialist to evaluate the patient's condition and, most importantly, to make sure that the patient is in good health and that he or she has the necessary conditions for liposuction.


Who is not suitable for liposuction surgery?

The cosmetic surgeon will review your digital medical file, which will be prepared for you by sending a request for a cosmetic surgery in Iran and all your health information will be recorded in it. The plastic surgeon will review the history of surgeries and medications used in the online visit. And assesses your current health status. If the patient has a complication that can be treated with medication, appropriate medications are prescribed. Liposuction is not performed on pregnant women, patients with pacemakers, and those with severe hepatic or autoimmune diseases.


Online medical visit before liposuction surgery in Iran

The digital medical record specialist examines the patient and his health status in a medical consultation session, and after arriving in Iran, the cosmetic surgeon performs a complete clinical evaluation on the points intended for liposuction. The specialist then explains the steps of liposuction to the patient and answers the patient's questions. The treatment plan and the method of payment before the trip will be explained to you by our medical experts. It should be noted that for cosmetic surgery costs in Iran and other tourist services, be sure to have cash with you because international credit and bank cards are not used in Iran. If you have made your final decision to have liposuction in Iran, the time of preoperative examination and the time of liposuction will be determined so that you can be in Iran on a specific day.


When the patient agrees to have liposuction surgery, a preoperative examination should be performed. Blood tests Before liposuction It is important to measure the level of hemoglobin and other factors. In the preoperative session, the patient is asked to sign the consent form (medical consent is available in all countries of the world and possible complications, etc. are explained to the patient by the doctor and the consent is signed). Recommendations for preparation before liposuction and aftercare are taught to the patient, preoperative photographs are taken to compare with postoperative photographs, and necessary measurements are made to prepare the gene. The gene must be prepared for the postoperative period. To be covered after liposuction.


How to anesthetize for liposuction surgery:

Local anesthesia can be used for liposuction surgery of the lower limbs and liposuction of the abdomen and hips, but for liposuction of the breasts or neck, general anesthesia is usually used.

And another factor that is important in choosing an anesthesia method in liposuction or other cosmetic surgeries is examining the pain threshold of people.

In some people, although local anesthesia can be performed, they are more inclined to complete anesthesia.


How is liposuction performed?

The doctor draws marks on the affected areas before starting the operation.

 The skin is cleansed and disinfected, and sterile caps and towels are pulled around the treatment areas.

The plastic surgeon makes very small incisions in the treatment area and injects anesthetic (lidocaine) and epinephrine to reduce bleeding through the cannula in these areas.

The doctor waits for a while for the anesthetic to work, then drains the fat using a suction device until the desired result is achieved.

The slimming gun is covered to the patient after the operation.

When traveling to Iran for cosmetic surgery, it is better to have someone with you to be with you during the trip, especially when returning.

Fluid secretion from the liposuction site is normal for 24-48 hours after surgery.

The surgeon may suture small liposuction incisions depending on the amount of discharge expected.

Time to see the results of liposuction surgery

Time to see the results of liposuction

Additional monthly consultations are given for three months after liposuction.

The healing process is not the same for all patients, however, most of the swelling disappears within 30-60 days and the final result is visible after 90 days.

If the gun is worn for thirty days after the operation, there will be no swelling at this time.

Because most patients make beneficial changes to their lifestyle as part of their treatment plan, the combined outcome of lifestyle modification and liposuction is often determined after six months.

The plastic surgeon instructs the patient in the postoperative period to wait for the result of the treatment and make the necessary changes.


Is liposuction a safe procedure?

Liposuction is a safe procedure, but there is a risk of complications and complications in all surgeries, and liposuction is no exception. Liposuction is performed using local anesthesia of the treatment area or injection of a combination of sedatives and local anesthesia. Failure to anesthetize the patient further reduces the potential risks of the operation.


How long does liposuction surgery take?

Most surgeries take 45 minutes to two and a half hours, depending on the site.


How many areas can be treated with liposuction?

The number of fat mass areas that can be treated in a liposuction procedure depends on the patient's wishes and what is medically appropriate for the patient. Instead of having multiple liposuctions performed on different days, it is preferable to treat as many areas as possible in a session that is safe for the patient. The specialist monitors the patient's condition according to detailed instructions and determines the best treatment plan to achieve the desired results of the patient in a safe way.


When can I exercise again after liposuction surgery?

Patients can move with caution one day after surgery. It is okay to do daily activities after 48 hours, but it is forbidden to exercise for up to four weeks after liposuction. Specialists guide each patient according to the treatment performed and considering his condition.


Can I have liposuction with other procedures?

Yes, other procedures can be performed at the same time as liposuction. Combination therapies include diet and lifestyle modification.

Along with liposuction, other parts of the body can be shaped and the fat removed from the body can be injected into other parts. Liposuction methods such as micro-fat injection in the face or fat injection in the chest and buttocks. Non-surgical cosmetic treatments such as microneedling and laser therapy can also be performed after liposuction.


When is liposuction recommended?

Liposuction is the most effective way to get rid of excess fat that has not been reduced by diet or exercise. Liposuction is not a substitute for slimming treatments and is more of a body sculpting procedure. Of course, liposuction usually leads to weight loss, but weight loss is not the goal of liposuction. Liposuction works best when the patient modifies his or her lifestyle after surgery and incorporates healthy eating and exercise into his or her daily routine.

Liposuction can be used to treat conditions such as lipoma (benign fat tumors) and gynecomastia (male breast enlargement).


How much fat is usually removed during liposuction?

An appropriate amount of fat is drained to achieve the goal of sculpting during liposuction. The desired result is to achieve a natural appearance and depends entirely on the specific condition of each patient. The purpose of liposuction is not to remove as much fat as possible, but to remove the right amount of fat from the affected areas. Exhausting too much fat carries risks.

The safe amount of fat removal in a liposuction operation is five liters. Of course, there is a more important limit to the amount of fat removed, the doctor must determine how many areas can be safely treated in one surgery.


What are the limitations of liposuction?

Liposuction is not a cure for weight loss. The patient should inform the physician of his goals and desires for treatment so that the physician can recommend the best way to achieve the desired results according to the patient's desires and the results of the clinical evaluation. Doctors only perform liposuction surgery as a sculpting operation on areas where the patient has not been able to remove the accumulated fat in those areas through exercise and diet. Liposuction works best on areas of the body that have acceptable muscle tone, have elastic skin, and do not accumulate too much fat in those areas. If the elasticity of the skin is very low, to achieve beautiful and satisfactory results, it is necessary to perform a combination of liposuction and skin resurfacing surgery to remove excess loose tissue.


At what age can liposuction be performed?

If a person has all the necessary physical criteria for liposuction, this operation can be performed professionally on all people between the ages of 15-75, but adolescents need parental consent to perform the operation. The elasticity of the skin is an important factor that is considered during liposuction and is discussed in the consultation session with the patient. The elasticity of the skin decreases over time. If the doctor feels that the elasticity of the skin is less than the skin can be well stretched on the sculpting area, he recommends that another operation be done to compensate for this defect and achieve the desired beauty goals.


Is it better to have liposuction before or after pregnancy?

Liposuction is not allowed during pregnancy or breastfeeding, and women who plan to become pregnant in the near future should not do so. Each patient's case is unique and the doctor recommends when it is appropriate for liposuction, before pregnancy or after pregnancy, according to each patient's needs.


What happens if I gain weight after liposuction?

If liposuction is performed correctly, the results are expected to be lasting and the sculpted sections to be in good shape forever. Overweight is not a direct result of liposuction. So if you gain weight after liposuction, you need to improve your lifestyle and check for the possibility of various diseases.


Does liposuction hurt?

Although patients are conscious during liposuction, because they receive sedatives and the operation is performed under local anesthesia, most patients experience slight discomfort and may not even notice the entire procedure. The severity of discomfort after liposuction is not the same in all patients, however, the doctor is careful that the patient can easily recover.


 Does liposuction need additional treatment?

Liposuction rarely requires additional treatment. However, the patient communicates with their physician and reports possible problems and concerns.


How likely is it that problems such as asymmetry, dents, or other abnormalities will occur after liposuction?

Such defects are very unlikely to occur after liposuction. Preoperative evaluation and postoperative care are critical to achieving satisfactory results. If the specialist suspects that an abnormality is likely to occur due to low skin elasticity or loose skin, he or she will fully explain the condition to the patient and recommend other treatments.


Does my skin loosen after liposuction?

Liposuction does not make the problem of sagging skin worse. The only problem that may arise is that when the fat is removed from under the skin, the weight behind the skin decreases and as a result the skin looks looser and sagging. If the operation is performed correctly and the patient adheres to a healthy lifestyle including proper diet and exercise, the skin is expected to become firmer and its elasticity to improve. Proper skin elasticity is critical to achieving the desired result. For this reason, the specialist performs a thorough examination to determine the degree of elasticity of the skin in the consultation session and explains the expected results to the patient.


 Will the scar remain on my body after liposuction?

The length of each liposuction incision is not more than 3-5 mm and one suture is enough to close each wound. At the same time, the surgeon usually makes incisions in remote areas and the wound heals without any problems.


How long should I wear a gun after liposuction?

Patients are generally asked to wear the gun for up to 30 days after surgery.


Will I be discharged on the day of the operation?

Yes, you will return home the same day. However, you need to have a companion to take you home and take care of you at night. If there is no person to care for the patient at home, the patient is advised to stay overnight in the hospital. The patient is also advised not to drive for 72 hours after liposuction surgery.


How long after liposuction can I travel by air?

 Most patients can travel by air 4-5 days after liposuction surgery, provided they can get up and walk a little about an hour during the trip.


Cost of liposuction in Iran:

The cost of  Liposuction surgery in Iran is much lower than in many European and American countries. For example:




Cost of abdominal liposuction in New York

1350-1700 dollars

Cost of abdominal liposuction in Iran

4500-5500 per hip(total 9000-11000)

The cost of liposuction of flanks in Oklahoma

1300-1600 dollars

The cost of liposuction of the flanks in Iran

5700 - 7300 dollars 

The cost of hip liposuction in New Jersey

2000-2500 dollars

The cost of hip liposuction in IranThe cost of thigh liposuction in Nevada

8500 - 11000

The cost of thigh liposuction in Iran

1400-1900 dollars

The cost of arm liposuction in Los Angeles

2500-3500 per arm

The cost of arm liposuction in Iran



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