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Digital medical case for health tourists in Iran

Digital Medical case

Digital Medical Case for health tourists in Iran


We live in a world where access to medical services is unequal and increased requests for specific medical services are causing problems.


Information technology and technological advancement have been able to solve these problems through the following ways:

1. Telemedicine and Telehealth

2. Digital medical records to improve access for patients and doctors

3. Health education and self-care

We have started the digital medical records project in order to provide equal medical services to all people around the world and a suitable situation in the field of medicine, this improves the provision of medical services in the field of health and beauty for all. Digitally documenting medical records during and after treatment can play an important role in improving your health and life. Digital medical case means saved documents on the Internet. Those can have access to this information are the patient and the doctor and a third person who can have access with the user’s permission.

We have also facilitated the ability to use features such as contacting clinical support and digital file experts and accounting by this application. Monitoring by various virtual clinics such as: cardiology clinic, diabetes clinic, orthopedic clinic, beauty clinic, dermatology clinic, etc. and using several clinics simultaneously are among the services provided by Tourism Angels Company. We are the first company to provide digital file services in Tolu Hayat Therapist Angels Company. In addition to saving medical records, request clinical services and telemedicine are also provided on the app and also special daily history forms based on the treatment method will be taken from you to get feedback on the treatment process to make sure we have done our job properly. The main purpose of providing this support platform is to study the side effects of medication, prevent the side effects of surgery, adjust or change the method of care and use of medicine for your recovery and health.

You will be able to save your medical information before starting the medical process. The online laboratory section also includes registering a service request and storing all your laboratory documents. The radiology section also saves your documents in the form of reports, CT scan films, MRI, etc. in your personal profile.

Each time, you have a separate digital file in each clinic. This information will also be reviewed by a physician and you will be able to access any of your medical records based on the dates of your visits.

Ease of use and practicality are the main features of this application. Securing data storage and ensuring secured access to your information are our main tasks. Application is in English, Persian, Arabic and Azerbaijani languages for now.


Click here to download or learn how to use the application.

click here to create a digital file



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